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吳希素營養師專欄 Holiday Tips for Healthy Eating : 1. Make just one trip to the party buffet. Choose only the foods ...
吳希素營養師專欄 How to Keep Your Guests Awake at Your Party ?It's X'mas season and you might be planning a party at ...
吳希素營養師專欄-如何選擇低糖食物 Tips to Choose Foods that are Low in Added SugarHalloween is around the corner. While we're shopping...
吳希素營養師專欄-運動期間所需的水分 How Much Water Do I Need when I Exercise?If you want to optimize your exercise and workouts, you nee...
吳希素營養師專欄-中秋節飲食指南 Healthy Eating Tips for Moon CakesHappy Mid-Autumn Festival ! In recent years, there are many new ki...
吳希素營養師專欄-應選擇海鹽還是食鹽 Sea Salt or Table Salt?American Heart Association did a survey on 1,000 people nationwide about thei...
吳希素營養師專欄-每天15分鐘的運動能延命3年 15 Minutes of Exercise a Day can Extend Life by Three Years!We all know that exercise is important f...
吳希素營養師專欄-瘦身健康小吃 Slimming Snacks Tips for Energy BoostHealthy mid-morning and afternoon snack can keep you satisfied ...
吳希素營養師專欄-大豆和豌豆類食物是蔬菜還是蛋白質 Are Beans and Peas Veggies or Proteins?Beans and Peas are unique foods. They belong to both the Prot...
吳希素營養師專欄-急凍優乳酪可歸類為乳製品嗎 Can Frozen Yogurt be counted as a Dairy Serving?We all need about 2-3 servings of Dairy a day to mak...
吳希素營養師專欄-精-瘦-肉類 Go LEAN on protein foods!About 1/4 of the "my plate" should contain Protein Foods. Here are some tip...
吳希素營養師專欄-如何攝取足夠的全穀類食物 Make Half of the Grain Whole GrainOne of the new dietary guidelines and the new "my plate" suggest u...
吳希素營養師專欄-要遠離紅肉嗎 Do you need to give up Red Meat?A research published in the Archives of Internal Medicine found that...